Eng Agenda 22 June 2021
Second European symposium on Drug consumption rooms (DCRs)
Council of Europe, 1st July 2021
Maintaining the momentum in the face of major challenges of the 21st Century
8h15 – 9h : Welcome of participants
9h00-9h30 : Opening of the symposium
Moderated by Denis Huber, Executive Secretary of the Pompidou Group, Council of Europe
- Bjorn Berge, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe
- Jeanne Barseghian, Mayor of Strasbourg
- João Goulão, President of the Pompidou Group
- Michel Hasselmann, President of the Ithaque association
9h30 – 10h : General introduction
Moderated by Denis Huber, Executive Secretary of the Pompidou Group, Council of Europe
- Olivier Véran, Minister of Solidarity and Health, France
- Frank Feighan, Minister for Public Health, Ireland
- Philipe Close, Burgomaster of Brussels
- Mia Nyegaard, Mayor of social services, Copenhague
10h00-11h15 : How have the Drug consumption rooms (DCRs) evolved since the 2019 symposium ?
Moderated by Gauthier Waeckerlé, Director of the Ithaque association
Introduced by Nicolas Prisse, President of the Interministerial mission to combat drugs and addictive behaviour (Mildeca)
- Virginie Cayré, General Director of the Regional Health Agency of the Grand Est (ARS) - guidance from a Regional Health Agency for a project that goes beyond the normative frameworks: from the DCR to medico-social accommodation
- Professor Laurence Lalanne, Head of the Addictology Department, Strasbourg Hospital, INSERMv1114 - Comparative evaluation of two experimental DCRs in France
- Marie Jauffret-Roustide, sociologist, researcher at INSERM and Esben Houborg, centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Copenhagen - environmental impact of DCRs
- Representative of the DCR Paris residents' collective
Recently opened DCRs in Europe? Discussion with the audience
11h15-12h30 : Interactive panel between the elected representatives<
Moderated by Alexandre Feltz, Deputy Mayor in charge of health, City of Strasbourg
Testimonies of elected representatives who opened a DCR or who are considering the opening of a DCR
- Anne Souyris, Deputy in charge of Public Health, Paris
- Jean-Claude Menault, Deputy in charge of Security, Lille
- Michèle Rubirola, 1st Deputy delegate for Health, Marseille
- Willy Demeyer, Burgomaster of Liège
- Marlène Collineau, Deputy delegate for Health, Nantes
- Elodie Brun Mandon, municipal councillor in charge of health prevention and the fight against addictions, Montpellier
- Isabelle Faure, municipal councillor, Brussels
- Thomas Andersson, Chairman of the Regional Council of Jämtland and Härjedalen, Sweden
12h30-14h15 : Lunch break
14h15 – 15h10 : Screening of the film "A moindre risque" directed by Cécile Favier - 2021 - hemicycle
15h15-16h15 : Parallel workshops
Workshop n°1 : The impact of Covid-19 on DCRs and their responses - hemicycle1
Moderated by Aurélie Kreiss, Head of Service of the DCR Argos
DCRs were able to adapt and reinvent themselves during the pandemic, despite strong constraints that also weighed on drug users
- Jean-Michel Delile, President of the Fédération addiction, ARSEA
- Serge Longère, Director of Quai 9, Geneva
- Jérôme Poulin, Project manager, Transit association, Brussels (online)
- Testimonies of Ithaque users during the pandemic period
- Robert Teltzrow, consultant expert of the Pompidou Group : share the experiences and information collected by the Pompidou Group's "Save Lives - Protect People" Platform
Exchanges with the audience
Workshop n°2 : opportunities and challenges of opening a DCR from the community and professionals’ perspective – salle 1
Moderated by Eberhard Schatz, Coordinator of the Correlation Network and Carla Napolano, Deputy Delegate General, Efus
Opportunities and challenges of opening a DCR: speakers will share their experiences during this process and explain their strategies
- Ricardo Fuertes, LGBTI, Drug and HIV Advisor, Office of Councillor Manuel
- Manuel Grilo, the City of Lisbon, and Adriana Curado, project coordinator, GAT, Portugal
- Tony Duffin, CEO Ana Liffey Drug Project, and Paula Byrne, General Director, Merchants Quay, Ireland
- Marios Atzemis, Project Manager, Positive Voice, and Athanasios Theocharis, President, Okana, Grèce
Exchanges with the audience
16h25-17h25 : Parallel workshops
Workshop n°3 : How can the political, legislative or material obstacles to setting up a DCR be overcome? - salle 1
Moderated by Ana Trudov, Groupe Pompidou
- Hannah Bardell, member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and author of the report on Drug Policy and Human Rights in Europe
- Naomi Burke-Shyne, Executive Director of Harm Reduction International
- Permanent Correspondent of the Pompidou Group
Exchanges with the audience
Workshop n°4 : Creation of a European network of Drug consumption rooms – hemicycle
Moderated by Serge Longère, Director of Quai 9, Geneva
Prospects and timetable for the future creation of the European network of DCRs
Exchanges with the audience
17h35-18h00 : Closing of the symposium
What are the key lessons?
Alexandre Feltz, Deputy Mayor in charge of health, the City of Strasbourg
Denis Huber, Executive Secretary of the Pompidou Group, Council of Europe
Gauthier Waeckerlé, Director of Ithaque association
Low-risk drug consumption rooms in Europe: maintaining the momentum in the face of the major challenges of the 21st-century
Thursday 1 July 2021 – Hemicycle of the Council of Europe – Strasbourg
STD english
The health and social damage associated with the consumption of licit and illicit psychotropic substances fully justifies the urgency of implementing a risk and damage reduction policy throughout Europe, especially with Covid 19 increasing the threat for vulnerable people. In the face of such a challenge, it is becoming more important than ever to step up locally-based risk reduction strategies in Europe as a whole.
The City of Strasbourg, the Council of Europe Pompidou Group and the Ithaque Association, with the support of MILDECA (the French government’s Interministerial Mission for Combating Drugs and Addictive Behaviours), the ARS regional health agency for the Grand Est region and the European Forum for Urban Security take great pleasure in inviting you to the 2nd symposium on low risk drug consumption rooms:
1 July 2020, at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg
The symposium will help maintain the momentum created both through the Solidify project and the European symposium held in April 2019 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, which brought together some 300 people from 49 towns and cities in 14 countries..
The symposium, which has the support of both national and regional health authorities in France, sets out to discuss European experiences, the various legal frameworks and their development, in addition to assessing innovations and prospects.
Institutional stakeholders and associations on the ground, facility managers and local, national and European policymakers are invited to take part.
How to register
To register, go to the thumbnail "HOME" and the "ticketing" module: "TICKETING"
They support us
Practical informations
Venue: Council of Europe, avenue de l’Europe, Strasbourg
Registration : free but mandatory https://www.weezevent.com/colloque-europeen-scmr
Access : https://www.coe.int/fr/web/about-us/map-and-access
Lunch break: snack offered on the spot
Parallel workshops: the organisers will contact you a few days before the conference to choose the workshops, send you the video conference connection link and any other useful information
Contact: p.bouzoubaa@ithaque-asso.fr
All regulatory health precautions will be in place during the event. A connection link will be sent to all registrants. The conference will be recorded for video streaming on the websites of the co-organisers: https://www.strasbourg.eu , https://www.coe.int/fr/web/pompidou et https://www.ithaque-asso.fr