Life Energy: Exploring the Next Level of the Healing High-rise.
Revolutionary new developments in Energy Psychology and Emotional Healing
This unique event proposes to be the Energy Healing Event of the Decade!
Background to this event and why you absolutely MUST attend
15 years ago Gary Craig, creator of EFT, organised an unique event attended by many people who have since become the leading figures in the Energy Psychology field. Back then, he proposed that we are “on the ground floor of a healing high-rise”.
Since Gary made that statement, there have been many revolutionary new developments in Energy Psychology. This event will showcase many of those unique and revolutionary developments.
The presenters, many of whom were present at that initial event organised by Gary Craig, have all explored and developed their own innovative and effective ways of helping people using Energy Techniques.
Aim of this Event
The main aim of this event is for us all to join together in an expansive atmosphere of sharing and collaboration to focus on how we can together explore those next levels of the healing high-rise and ultimately expand our reach and results.
Our aim is for this to be a watershed event, positively impacting the lives of all who attend and also many others who will benefit in the future as a result of this collaboration.
Who are the Presenters?
The presenters, all of whom are experts in their field, have all been hand selected using two main criteria:
1 - Have developed their own unique ways of working with Energy to promote emotional healing and physical wellbeing
2 - Have an innovative spirit, expansive energy, and a good “feel” (i.e. Have heart)
Never before has a group like this been assembled into the same place.
We invite you to join us with a positive intention to learn from the best of the best and build a new level of success and emotional wellbeing using these unique new tools.
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SH - Healing Highrise - 6 to 8 May 2013
1150 Brussels
Organizer contact
Therapeutia asbl
Céline Domecq - Assistante de Direction
Address : Rue Felix Bovie, 20
1050 Ixelles
Phone : 0032 2 640 60 69