According to statistics, about 55% of cases of erectile dysfunction in men are associated with vascular disease. Among the various methods of treating premature ejaculation and impotence of a similar nature, the use of stem cells has recently gained popularity as a means of increasing effectiveness. As a result of their action, the arterial flow in the vessels of the erectile mechanism returns to normal and the male erection is restored.
Use of stem cells
Stem cells are called cells of the body, which, if necessary, can accumulate in the damaged part of the body and form new tissue there. They can form cells of all types of tissue: blood, muscles and bones, for internal organs, skin, etc. If the body malfunctions, the stem cells are sent to the affected area and replace the organ cells that have been damaged or lost after the disease and restore their functions here. They take part in the regeneration processes and slow down the aging process.
Patient selection criteria for treatment
A medical commission that certifies a patient evaluates their condition and determines whether it is possible to treat this case of erectile dysfunction with the help of stem cells. Possible complications and alternative methods of intervention are taken into account. A patient is considered suitable for the treatment of stem cells if the following conditions are met:
- he has been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction
- based on the analysis of the medical history, the medical commission finds the patient suitable for the treatment
A patient's bone marrow contains a sufficient number of stem cells of the required quality. There are no possible alternative treatments for erectile dysfunction with medication.
Stages of treatment
Bone marrow collection. After local anesthesia, the doctor takes a 150-200 ml sample of bone marrow by inserting a needle into the hip bone. Several sterile syringes are filled with cell samples. Then they are urgently brought to the laboratory in this form by courier. Inserting the needle for sampling causes almost no pain. Pain in the area of bone marrow absorption is possible within 3-4 days. Besides the bruise that goes away on the second day, there are no side effects.
Processing of bone marrow samples. Bone marrow samples are examined and processed under laboratory conditions at Plasma, red and white blood cells are separated from each other, stem cells are isolated. However, to avoid infection, the samples are not in contact with oxygen. Then the total number of stem cells is calculated and their viability is measured.
MRI and angiography. Magnetic resonance imaging of the penis is performed to plan the course of the transplant. The stem cells are then delivered to the damaged area with a catheter in the arteries on the patient's leg. At the same time, new blood vessels are formed and the functionality of the weak affected by atherosclerosis is strengthened. This process is known as angiography. It takes place under local anesthesia.